Math Chants Complete Pack (with CD-ROM)



Learning the Language of Math with Rhythm and Rhyme

Math Chants is a collection of rhymes and chants that will help students learn and practice math concepts like number values and counting. The chants have been written by Sonja Dunn and the Teacher’s Resource by Helen Depree and Fiona Knight.

The Math Chants package includes:

  • 11 double sided posters
  • A set of 6 Student Books
  • An Activity Book

Each can be purchased individually or as a package.

About Sonja Dunn

Sonja Dunn is instantly recognizable in her many-pocketed story skirt, strumming her guitar and encouraging audiences to sing, chant and participate in her rhymes.

Sonja is the author of several books of rhymes, chants, raps and songs including Butterscotch Dreams, Crackers and Crumbs, All Together Now (Pembroke), and Gimme a Break, Rattlesnake (Fitzhenry & Whiteside). Sonja is a former teacher, actor and drama consultant.

Additional information

Author (s) Last name, First name

Sonja Dunn

Interest level


Grade High


Grade Low


Grade Level


Age high


Age low


Page count